The best way to get to know 91ÊÓƵ³ÉÈËAPPÏÂÔØ is to visit our vibrant campus and speak with our expert Enrolments Team.

We offer different options to tour our School and experience our wonderful Community to suit your particular needs.

Please contact our Enrolments Team who would be delighted to answer any questions you have about our School and support you to make the right decision for your family.

We also encourage you to attend one of our many quality performances to experience some of the highlights of our extensive performing arts program.

Open Days (Whole School)

Open Days are held twice per year on a Saturday and are our showcase event. Families can visit at any time during the Open Day (9.00am – 12.00pm) and go on self-guided tours, visit our ‘info spots’ and activities, and meet our community in an informal setting. Families are encouraged to bring their friends and family along to this inclusive event.

Please note: All attendees must pre-register online, walk-in registrations are not allowed. Places are limited.

School Tours (Years 5 & 7 entry only)

School Tours are held on specified days and offer families a group tour experience led by student guides. These tours focus on our Year 5 and 7 programs at the School. The event commences with a formal address (9.30am) before families are led around the Riviera to Frogmore 91ÊÓƵ³ÉÈËAPPÏÂÔØ in small groups. Afterwards, refreshments are served and families can mingle with our staff and students.

Please note: All attendees must pre-register online, walk-in registrations are not allowed. Places are limited.

Families interested in exploring the Mary Jones ELC, Eblana (Foundation – Year 4), Greenways (Year 9) or Frogmore (Years 10-12) 91ÊÓƵ³ÉÈËAPPÏÂÔØ will need to contact the School to arrange a Private Tour. 

Open Days and School Tours Schedule



Saturday 10 August 2024
9.00am – 12.00pm

Thursday 17 October 2024
9.30am – 11.00am
Years 5 & 7 entry only

Private Tour

If you have very specific questions or needs, then we would be delighted to arrange a Private Tour of the School. Please contact the Enrolments Team directly:

Follow us

There is so much happening across our School every day, so to find out more, please follow us on our social channels.

Contact Us

Please contact our Enrolments Team to book a private tour or to find out more about our School and the enrolments process.